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About Us

Our Mission

  • We are multidisciplinary health scientists who focus on improving health and preventing disease across the life course in individuals and diverse populations.
  • We conduct innovative, collaborative research to understand the etiology and mechanisms of health, well-being and disease, and to test and disseminate strategies for health promotion and disease prevention. We also train and empower the next generation of health scientists to address our foremost public health challenges.
  • We develop, apply and teach cutting-edge research methods, informatics, data analytics and technologies to understand and enhance health from molecular, individual, community and global perspectives.
  • We aim to advance the science of health promotion and disease prevention to create measurable and meaningful improvement in human health.

The Department of Preventive Medicine is proud to have celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022. Click here to read more about our history.

We focus on understanding the determinants, mechanisms and outcomes of chronic diseases of aging in order to intervene and implement strategies that improve health across the life course. As a result of our world-class, interdisciplinary faculty and stellar trainees, we are proud to be the No. 1 NIH-funded department of our kind in the country.”

Mercedes Carnethon, PhD
Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine

Read her message

Mercedes Carnethon, PhD

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Pictured: Mercedes Carnethon, PhD (Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine) and Norrina Allen, PhD (Vice Chair for Research, Department of Preventive Medicine).

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